Fontanarosa Saffron Risotto
Ingredients for 4 people
350 gr. Carnaroli rice
70 gr. Butter
40 gr. grated Parmigiano Reggiano
50 gr. Beef marrow (optional)
1 white onion
1 glass of dry white wine
beef broth
0,40 gr. Fontanarosa saffron pistils
Peel and finely chop the onion, then let it sizzle in a saucepan with half the butter and marrow (the second is optional). Add the rice and let it toast until it becomes translucent or semi-transparent. Sprinkle with wine, mix and let evaporate. Pour the broth little by little with the ladle, letting the rice dry between the additives, stirring constantly and making sure that the rice is always covered by the broth and does not attack the bottom of the pot.
At half-cooking, about ten minutes later, add the Fontanarosa Saffron, which you have previously pestled in a stone or ceramic mortar (or in a cup with a spoon) until it is almost powdered. Pour the hot soup into the mortar to avoid dispersing and then add the precious spice to the rice.
Stir and bake. If necessary, add salt. Turn off the flame, after adding the remaining butter and the grated Parmesan cheese. Let it rest for a few minutes and serve with other grated parmesan cheese, but do not exceed because the Parmesan tends to prevail over the other flavors.
For a touch of color add some saffron pistils to the risotto . . ..
Mauro Gambini de Vera d’Aragona
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