Delicate potato soup


Ingredients for 4 people:

500 g white potatoes

250 g leeks (white part)

1 onion

25 g butter

250 ml fresh milk

1 l chicken broth

50 saffron stigmas

Salt and pepper

Peel, cut into small pieces and wash potatoes, leek and onion.
Do sizzle the butter in a pan, add the vegetables, stir and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat, without colouring.  Adjust with salt and pepper, cover with the broth and simmer  for 30 minutes.
Once cooked, add the saffron and the milk. With a hand blender, transform vegetables into a soft velvety cream.
Serve very hot in winter or cool in summer, always accompanied with bread croutons.

The vegetarians will replace the chicken broth with vegetable broth;  greedy people can use fresh cream instead of milk and then, to make the soup even more attractive  pass it with a strainer and serve in small cups, like a consomme.

Barbara Torresan, Zafferano,
Guido Tommasi Editore, Milano 2011, p. 38

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